Friday, January 24, 2020
Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy Essay -- My Philosophy o
Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy It is often said that the first impression you make on someone is the most important. It can never happen again and usually is not forgotten. I believe this is true for education also. Kindergarten or preschool is a child's first impression of school. Whether that impression is a good or bad one it will affect the child through the rest of their schooling. I was fortunate to have a great first impression of school which helped me to decide to become a teacher. There are many reasons why I have chosen Elementary Education as my major. The biggest reason is not only because I have always had a love for children but also for learning. Ever since I was a little girl, I would sit in my bedroom and play school. I had my own chalk board and I would teach to an imaginary class. I was continuously trying to learn new things and am still doing that to this day. The vision that I have for my classroom is like most of the classes I was in when I was in elementary school. They were very colorful, full of books and art projects, and made you feel like you were at home. I will arrange the seats in clusters, in which two students will set beside each other and then they will face two other students. I believe that this is a less intimidating arrangement and allows the students to gain social skills The bulletin boards will have every students art work or projects hanging up. The room will be decorated according to what time of year it is. My supplemental materials will include extra books for the children to read, craft supplies, and anything else that I can find that will make learning more enjoyable for the students. The projects that I will do will explore different cogni... ... we have, education has to be reformed. During reform initiatives as a teacher you need to decide if you want to take an active role. I feel that education is a very crucial part of every child. Every child deserves the right to have an equal education no matter what their race, sex, or socioeconomic situation. Education is very important in my life. I plan to continue to challenge myself and my education even after college. I have been very fortunate in my life. I was lucky to have some wonderful teachers who influenced and encouraged me to be whatever I wanted to be. I hope that I can be as important to mystudents as those teachers were to me. I believe that it is important to know my students and to know their learning abilities. I want all of my students to know that you learn something from every experience and that failure isn't failure if a lesson is learned.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Earth the Ailing Planet Essay
For more than a hundred years, human beings have been excavating mountains and building roads for faster transportation. When the forests and mountains are destroyed, natural waterways are also disrupted. In today’s modern world, there is mass production of goods for daily consumption. The sprawling cities, high-rise buildings, cars, and electric appliances of modern society demand a tremendous amount of natural resources. Besides the depletion of resources, much pollution and waste are created in the process of manufacturing. The universe is a composite of the four elements of earth, water, fire, and air. When the earth element i. e. soil or land falls out of balance, earthquakes result; when the air element i. e. air current falls out of balance, hurricanes and typhoons arise; when the water element i. e rivers and oceans falls out of balance, downpours and floods occur. In recent years, there have been many natural disasters, showing us the imbalance of the four elements. Natural disasters are occurring all around the world. This is very worrying. When closely examined, all the various disasters can be linked to our destruction of the Earth. To change the world, we must begin by transforming hearts and minds. Given the environmental problems facing our world today, we must not only change attitudes but also lifestyles. We should have a grateful heart toward our planet. As each of us is consuming resources and contributing to pollution, we must always think about how to conserve resources. If we lead a simpler life, we will help reduce the amount of garbage and protect our environment, thus improving the quality of life on Earth. It is a simple concept, but if we all put it into practice, the impact can be profound and far-reaching. Living on this planet, our fate is intertwined with the health of our planet. Let us always remember that we coexist with the Earth.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Child Marriage Facts and Causes
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (among other charters and conventions) all directly or indirectly forbid the degrading and mistreatment of girls inherent in child marriage. Nevertheless, child marriage is common in many parts of the world, claiming millions of victims annually--and hundreds of thousands of injuries or deaths resulting from abuse or complications from pregnancy and childbirth. Facts About Child Marriage According to the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), 100 million girls will be married before the age of 18 in the coming decade. Most will be in sub-Saharan Africa and the Asian Subcontinent (Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh). In Niger, for example, 77% of women in their early 20s were married as children. In Bangladesh, 65% were. Child marriage also occurs in parts of the Middle East, including Yemen and the rural Maghreb. In the United States, child marriage is still permissible in some states, with parental or judicial consent.Globally, according to UNICEF, 36% of women aged 20 to 24 were married or in a union, forced or consensual, before theyd reached 18.An estimated 14 million girls between the ages of 15 and 19 give birth each year. They are twice as likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth than women in their 20s.Girls who marry between the ages of 10 and 14 are five times as likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth as women in their early 20s. Causes of Child Marriage Child marriage has many causes: cultural, social, economic and religious. In many cases, a mixture of these causes results in the imprisonment of children in marriages without their consent. Poverty: Poor families sell their children into marriage either to settle debts or to make some money and escape the cycle of poverty. Child marriage fosters poverty, however, as it ensures that girls who marry young will not be properly educated or take part in the workforce.Protecting the girls sexuality: In certain cultures, marrying a girl young presumes that the girls sexuality, therefore the girls familys honor, will be protected by ensuring that the girl marries as a virgin. The imposition of family honor on a girls individuality, in essence, robbing the girl of her honor and dignity, undermines the credibility of family honor and instead underscores the presumed protections actual aim: to control the girl.Gender discrimination: Child marriage is a product of cultures that devalue women and girls and discriminate against them. The discrimination, according to a UNICEF report on Child Marriage and the Law, often manifests itself in the form of domestic violence, marital rape, a nd deprivation of food, lack of access to information, education, healthcare, and general impediments to mobility.Inadequate laws: Many countries such as Pakistan have laws against child marriage. The laws are not enforced. In Afghanistan, a new law was written into the countrys code enabling Shiite, or Hazara, communities to impose their own form of family law--including permitting child marriage.​Trafficking: Poor families are tempted to sell their girls not just into marriage, but into prostitution, as the transaction enables large sums of money to change hands. Individual Rights Denied by Child Marriage The Convention on the Rights of the Child is designed to guarantee certain individual rights--which are abused by early marriage. Rights undermined or lost by children forced to marry early are: The right to an education.The right to be protected from physical and mental violence, injury or abuse, including sexual abuse, rape, and sexual exploitation.The right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health.The right to rest and leisure, and to participate freely in cultural life.The right to not be separated from parents against the childs will.The right to protection against all forms of exploitation affecting any aspect of the child’s welfare.The right to eventual employment. Case Study: A Child Bride Speaks The 2006 Nepal Report on Child Marriage includes the following testimony from a child bride: I was married to a nine-year-old boy when I was three. At that point of time, I was unaware of marriages. I dont even remember my marriage event. I just remember that as I was too young and was unable to walk and they had to carry me and bring me over to their place. Getting married at an early age, I was destined to suffer a lot of hardships. I had to carry water in a small clay-pot in the mornings. I had to sweep and swap the floor every day. Those were the days when I wanted to eat good food and wear pretty clothes. I used to feel very hungry, but I had to be satisfied with the amount of food that I was provided. I never got to eat enough. I sometimes secretly ate corns, soybeans, etc that used to grow in the field. And if I was caught eating, my in-laws and husband would beat me up accusing me of stealing from the field and eating. Sometimes the villagers used to give me food and if my husband and in-laws found out, they used to beat me up accusing me of stealing food from the house. They used to give me one black blouse and a cotton sari torn into two pieces. I had to wear these for two years. Never did I get other accessories like petticoats, belts etc. When my saris got torn, I used to patch them up and continue wearing them. My husband married three times after me. At present, he lives with his youngest wife. Since I married at an early age, early child-delivery was inevitable. As a result, I now have severe back problems. I used to weep a lot and consequently, I faced problems with my eyes and had to undergo an eye operation. I often think that if I had the power to think like I do now, I would never go to that house. I also wish I had not given birth to any children. Retrospective sufferings make me wish not to see my husband again. Nevertheless, I do not want him to die because I dont want to lose my marital status.
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