Monday, August 24, 2020
The Dimension of Inter-Professional Practice The WritePass Journal
The Dimension of Inter-Professional Practice Presentation The Dimension of Inter-Professional Practice ) NMC (2008), Code of Conduct, Nursing and Midwifery Council, London Ovretveit, J., Mathias, F., Thomoson, T. eds., (1997). Interprofessional working for wellbeing and social consideration. Hampshire: Macmillan Press Limited. Pollard, K., (2005). Interprofessional Working: an Essential Guide for Health and Social-Care Professionals; England, Nelson Thrones Limited. Roper, Logan and Tierney (1996), Whithead (2000) Education, conduct change and social brain research: Nursing’s commitment to wellbeing advancement. Diary of Advanced Nursing, 34(6), 822-832 Whitehead D, (2001) Applying community oriented practice to wellbeing advancement. Nursing Standards. 15(20):33-7. Catalog General Social Care Council, (2006). Code of Practice For Social Workers and Employers. London: GSCC. Golightley, M., (2008). Social Work and Mental Health People. Learning Matters. Barker. P., (2009).â Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: The Craft of Caring. second ed. London. Hodder Arnold. Taylor. C., Lillis. C., Lemone. P., (2001). Basics of Nursing: The workmanship and Science of Nursing Care, fourth edn, Lippincott, Philadelphia. Thompson I., Melia K., Boyd K., (2000).â Nursing Ethics, London, Churchill Livingstone
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Traveling to New Places Essay Example For Students
Making a trip to New Places Essay At the point when I was two my folks took me to a toy store; we were on a day trip. I can by one way or another despite everything recall the store and the scaffold we crossed to get to it. (I’m from Cape Cod, Massachusetts so it was either the Bourne or Sagamore Bridge. ) right up 'til the present time I feel the fervor of a little child when pondering my father taking the teddy bear off the rack for me. I adored that teddy bear, Beary, more than anything. I turned out to be so appended to it that it got inconceivable for me to rest without Beary in my arms each night. We will compose a custom article on Traveling to New Places explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now At the point when my father took Beary off the rack in the toy store he was shiny new. His hide was a glossy, delicate, nectar shading. The Teddy Bear’s eyes were earthy colored (plastic) with dark understudies. There was a red strip tied around his neck in a bow. I had my mother cut it off however. At the point when I pressed him, he resembled a cushioned pad. His paws were overwhelming and loaded up with modest little dot like things. The hooks were set apart by four lines on each foot. The bear’s nose was hard plastic, which was canvassed in delicate velvet. As a young lady I cherished voyaging and finding new places to investigate; particularly day trips. During the day I was free and nothing could stop me. I would return home and rest in my own bed yet being uninformed was the most alarming circumstance for me to be in as a youngster. At the point when I was heading to sleep and it was dull that was an alternate story. Beary was consistently there to give me certainty. Sooner or later I imagined that Beary fended off beasts while I was dozing. This made it extremely simple to head to sleep. In the event that I was resting at a relative’s house or an inn, however, it was alarming. There were new frightening clamors that possibly appeared to be perceptible when the lights were off. I would press Beary firmly and stow away under my spreads. After a short time the dread would vanish on the grounds that I realized that Beary was going to protect me. The entirety of this astounded my folks once in a while in light of the fact that I was generally so courageous during the day. Around evening time however, I was unable to rest without Beary and was too terrified to even consider opening my eyes except if the entryway was open a break. Beary not just fended off the beasts in obscurity, yet battled with my tears also. I was more independent and socially develop than my companions. I made some hard memories identifying with a great deal of the young ladies that needed to play imagine at break in fifth grade. I would need to play tag or go on the swings. (One would feel this would have prevented me from fearing the dim and the â€Å"monsters†that accompany it. ) Because of this there were just a couple of young men and young ladies that I viewed as great companions. Having a couple of companions never truly irritated me until it came time to host a birthday get-together. I constantly needed to host a lavish gathering with huge amounts of companions. I arranged everything except for when it came time to compose the solicitations my mother could just think of 5, 6, or 7 children. At the point when you consider it that appears to be a great deal of vitality in one room however to me it was weak. This would trigger the tears. My mother would go get Beary off my bed and the three of us would take a stroll on the sea shore, or on the off chance that it was unreasonably cold for that we would go to the Hot Chocolate Sparrow to get a treat and, obviously, hot cocoa. .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2 , .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2 .postImageUrl , .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2 , .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2:hover , .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2:visited , .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2:active { border:0!important; } .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2:active , .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: r elative; } .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!import ant; } .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u89368f4c20b9e88f75d2585f7af5d0b2:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Human nature Argumentative EssayOnce, at eight years of age, I went out and didn't understand until my mother was tucking me into my covers. I had never left him anyplace. I was distressed to such an extent that my mother needed to drive right from Harwich to Yarmouth and back again to go get him. I had never dozed without him and didn't anticipate hitting the sack without him that night. As I entered my grouchy â€Å"independent†center school years I didn't give a lot of consideration to my maturing Teddy Bear. I despite everything laid down with him yet it was to a greater extent a propensity than all else. His hide was currently canvassed in small amounts of build up from being washed so often. I disregarded him all through all of center school since I was a young person and was unreasonably cool for that. I could rest over other peoples’ houses and leave Beary at home. In any event, when we would take some time off. I understood that there were no beasts and it was just the breeze that was blowing outside. Typically guardians take objects that way and store them away and their kids in the end disregard them. My mom never took Beary away on the grounds that she realized that one day I would require him again. That opportunity arrived when my â€Å"boyfriend†said a final farewell to me going into secondary school. As you can envision it was loaded with high school show and tears. This is the point at which my mother snatched my Teddy Bear off of my bed and helped me to remember how the three of us would take strolls and get hot cocoa when I got steamed as a little child. She did this to give me a rude awakening, I think. It worked in light of the fact that I quit crying and laid down with him that night like I once did. I was remaining up past the point of no return in secondary school to consider discovering Beary in my sheets while floundering into bed. Schoolwork, horseback riding, and investing energy with companions expended me as those four years flew by. Each once in for some time I would get up in the first part of the day and he would be directly close to me. I would simply give him a grin and go on with my day. My mother’s companion has a young lady that tenderly plays with him when she comes over however other than that he would wait at the leader of my bed. The late spring after I moved on from secondary school was loaded with experiences. Excursions to Nantucket, going to shows, and grounding the vessel on Monomoy Island involved my time for two months. Between all that I gradually began stashing things into boxes to bring to school. The vast majority of the things that I brought were fresh out of the box new. The prior night I left for school my father inquired as to whether I would carry Beary with me and I really didn't have the foggiest idea about the appropriate response. I considered it throughout the night. My mother came into my room and reminded me how much that Teddy Bear and I had experienced together. How might I leave him at home? He was a piece of me. Presently, at school, Beary is on the best in class in my wardrobe. On the off chance that I ever get forlorn, frightened, or tragic he will consistently be there for me.
Friday, July 17, 2020
5 Latin American Women Authors to Read Right Now
5 Latin American Women Authors to Read Right Now It’s no surprise that Latin American women authors have had to deal with the same obstacles as their North American counterparts: structural barriers in the industry, institutional erasure, your run-of-the-mill sexism. Nevertheless, they persisted, and recent years have seen a crop of celebrated female writers pushing the boundaries of the region’s literary production. Here is a list of some of the fierce ladies that are making their mark. Rita Indiana The chameleonic Indiana could easily be one of the unforgettable characters in her novels: eclectic writer, alternative musician, gay icon, a fixture of the Dominican underground scene. Her work is a mixture of gritty realism and science fiction, usually blurring the relationship between the two, and explores such themes as the constraints of gender, the politics of violence, and the construction of memory via pop culture. What to read: Papi, a novel about a young child who awaits her beloved father’s return to the Dominican Republic only to discover that he is a ruthless drug dealer when he finally does come back. Claudia Salazar Jiménez The Peruvian author, critic and scholar has been publishing short stories and editing anthologies for years before finding critical acclaim with her first novel, Blood of the Dawn, which received the prestigious Las Americas Prize in 2014. What to read: Blood of the Dawn is one of the few Peruvian novels that focuses on women’s experiences during the Shining Path period. Interweaving the tales of three different characters a photojournalist, an indigenous wife, and a Shining Path member the narrative experiments with language to provide a fragmented depiction of a turbulent time. Valeria Luiselli Luiselli is a writer’s writer, the kind of author that plays to her reader’s highest intelligence and is rife with intertextual references. Lauded for her stylistic risks, she’s received awards from pretty much every newsworthy publication and was the second Mexican Novelist to ever be a finalist for a National Book Critics Circle Award. What to read: Though Luiselli’s fiction should not be missed, I am most excited about her upcoming book, Tell Me How it Ends. This collection of essays was inspired by the writer’s volunteer work as in interpreter for Latin American child migrants in the United States. Samanta Schweblin Born in Buenos Aires, though currently living in Berlin, Schweblin is known in her native country as one of the most buzzed-about young authors. Her short stories and novels tend to center on family dramas, a dynamic that Schweblin considers rife with loss and emotional ruptures. What to read: Her novel Fever Dream is an unsettling and slightly surreal book, constructed entirely through the dialogue of two characters: Amanda, who is convalescing in a hospital bed from a strange illness, and David, a young boy who is searching for answers about his past. Guadalupe Nettel Incredibly prolific, the Mexican writer has published everything from short stories and chronicles, to memoirs and novels. Her work explores the relationship human beings have with their own corporal nature and the uncanny possibilities of the mundane. For Nettel, the natural world can both illuminate and disrupt our own interior lives. What to read: Natural Histories, a collection of short stories that has a tinge of the fantastic and the grotesque in each narrative. Who are your favorite Latin American women authors? This post is part of our International Women’s Day celebration. See all the posts here. Also In This Story Stream To Reach The Farthest Sea Double Erasure: Latin American Women Writers 5 Books by Queer Women Books for the Jewish Feminist Welcome to International Womens Day 2017 at Book Riot Must-Read Black Feminist Literature Romance Without Feminism is No Longer an Option Flaunt Your Lady Love, Book Fetish Style Feminist Middle Grade Books Madonna and the Madwoman: On the Women of Jose Rizals Classic Noli Me Tangere 5 Women of Color Who Are Changing The World For The Better Fiction That Breaks Sexist and Racist Stereotypes On Writing as a Woman 4 French Feminist Writers Celebrating Women View all international women's day 2017 posts-->
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Social Pressure For Cis White Straight Males - 884 Words
MOGAI people are underrepresented in Computer Science and Computer engineering due to many of the same reasons why women are underrepresented: the amount of social pressure for cis-white-straight-conservative-males (CWSCMs) to go into STEM and for those not CWSCMs to pursue more â€Å"fitting†positions and fields; the amount of â€Å"brogrammer,†â€Å"brogamer,†misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and â€Å"straight male†dominance in STEM and tech fields and culture; and finally the amount of inequitable barriers to STEM and tech fields. This is entirely unethical and needs to be changed greatly to improve STEM and tech fields, along with giving equity to MOGAI individuals and the community. In addition, many argue that these demands would be â€Å"special†or â€Å"extra†rights, which is inaccurate as this assumes the actions needed to boost non-CWSCM people to equitable positions would cause an inequitable situation for CWSCM s. Discussion A 2015 report of â€Å"Queer in STEM: Workplace Experiences Reported in a National Survey of LGBTQA Individuals in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Careersâ€Å" found the data gathered â€Å"suggests a broader phenomenon of gendered culture in STEM workplaces  in fields with fewer women, the climate may be less comfortable for anyone who fails to conform to a straight male gender presentation.â€Å" This supports the argument that the STEM community actively wards off anyone that is MOGAI from participation or inclusion. Furthermore, â€Å"a lack ofShow MoreRelatedThe Song, All About That Bass1800 Words  | 8 Pageshow the song’s themes represent common (cis)heteronormative, Eurocentric, and fat oppressive tropes that construct the â€Å"idealized†fat woman. Using â€Å"All About That Bass†as an entry point, I will analyze how â€Å"body positive†media perpetuates a â€Å"white feminist†ideology of who is included and targeted in their messages. For this analysis, I will look at three key themes embedded within the song’s lyrics and music video. First, I will discuss the song’s (cis)heteronormative basis for its â€Å"body positivityRead MoreUnderstanding And Combat Weight Bias9848 Words  | 40 PagesAngeles Please do not quote or cite without permission Author Note: This research was supported by National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships (Lick, Hunger) as well as a Clara Mayo Grant from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (Lick). Correspondence should be addressed to David Lick, UCLA Department of Psychology, 1285 Franz Hall, Box 951563, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1563 or via email to Abstract Weight bias is among the most pernicious forms ofRead MoreDomestic Dogs3705 Words  | 15 Pagesdomestic dog is generally used for both domesticated and feral varieties. The dog has been the first animal to be domesticated[4] and has been the most widely kept working, hunting, and pet animal in human history. 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How can companies renew and sustain those factors in the face of the business slowdowns and major fluctuations that challenge the longterm continuation of profitable earnings? As we continue to experience the twenty-first century’s economic, social, and political churning, how will these driving factors be influenced by the brutally competitive global economy in which organizations do not have any particular geographic identity or travel under any particular national passport? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ella Fitzgerald Essay examples - 614 Words
Ella Fitzgerald To some, Ella Fitzgerald had a hard life from the moment she was born. To others, Ella had it made. Ella Fitzgerald was born April 25th 1917 in Virginia. Soon afterwards, her parents separated and Ella followed her mother to Yonkers, New York. Ella was barely a teenager when her mother died. While still coping with this tragedy, Ella found herself failing school and having frequent run-ins with the police. She was also abused by her caretakers while in the custody of a reform school. At age 15 Ella ran away from school along with the horrible memories of that time. Somehow she managed to support herself through the Great Depression, a feat that is most commendable. Ella found her†¦show more content†¦Ellas voice had a sweetness to it that was rarely accompanied by such a wide range as hers. Her style has been described as effortless, natural, flexible, ageless and accessible. Many call her The First Lady of Song. She started as a swing singer, moved to bebop, perfected scat and jazz and could sing modern or classic songs. Artists whose songs she stylized included Louis Armstrong, Cole Porter, Johnny Mercer, Irving Berlin, Duke Ellington and the Gershwins. Throughout her life she collaborated on more than 250 albums, sold more than 40 million of those albums and won 13 Grammy awards. Her influence soon spread throughout the musical circuit and her singing style was much imitated in the 1950s and 1960s. Ellas trademark of scat singing (a technique in which the singer improvises as an instrument would and uses nonsense syllables) was taken up by many male and female jazz vocalists. Sarah Vaughn, Billie Holiday and the modern day Joss Stone all show signs of Ellas influence. Ella is also credited with inspiring the great Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennet and Mel Torme to some extent. Although Ellas influence through style is great, perhaps her greatest achievement can be noticed in her career as a whole. Ella Fitzgerald was an influential woman with many followers around the world, of all races, religions and nationalities. In many ways she opened theShow MoreRelatedElla Fitzgerald Essay656 Words  | 3 PagesElla Fitzgerald Singer. Born April 25, 1917, in Newport News, Virginia. (Though many biographical sources give her birth date as 1918, her birth certificate and school records show her to have been born a year earlier.) Often referred to as the first lady of song, Fitzgerald enjoyed a career that stretched over six decades. With her lucid intonation and a range of three octaves, she became the preeminent jazz singer of her generation, recording over 2,000 songs, selling over 40 million albumsRead MoreElla Fitzgerald Biography Essay1454 Words  | 6 PagesBiography Dubbed The First Lady of Song, Ella Fitzgerald was the most popular female jazz singer in the United States for more than half a century. In her lifetime, she won 13 Grammy awards and sold over 40 million albums. Her voice was flexible, wide-ranging, accurate and ageless. She could sing sultry ballads, sweet jazz and imitate every instrument in an orchestra. She worked with all the jazz greats, from Duke Ellington, Count Basie and Nat King Cole, to Frank Sinatra, Dizzy Gillespie andRead More Ella Fitzgerald - The Gold Collection Essay example513 Words  | 3 PagesElla Fitzgerald - The Gold Collection The overall illusion of Ella Fitzgerald’s The Gold Collection album is a reflection of the trials and tribulations of love. The collection consists of many tracks that have passionate lyrical value, that the words instantly relate to those moments in life when you are struggling with devotion for a significant other. The album is arranged in a precise manner, where those melancholy and heartrending songs are preceded by upbeat, catchy tunes, that even withRead MoreThe Roaring 20 s `` Changed Ella Fitzgerald s Lifestyle And Her Music1003 Words  | 5 PagesThe â€Å"Roaring 20’s†changed Ella Fitzgerald’s lifestyle and her music by providing outstanding musicians, financial struggles, and popular music leading her to become one of the most prominent singers of all time. Though life provided numerous struggles she still managed to push through and complete her childhood dreams of becoming an entertainer. Fitzgerald’s voice developed through the sty le of music in the 20’s, eminent artists vocal structure and the emotion she channeled into her music due toRead MoreElla Fitzgeralds Influences1541 Words  | 7 PagesElla Fitzgerald is known as the â€Å"First Lady of Song,†and for good reason. Throughout her career, Fitzgerald took jazz singing to new heights of fame and popularity, influencing the style of jazz and future generations of musicians. Today, her music remains well-known and loved, and her long and prolific career reflects her impeccable skill and style. Her influence is still strong today, with singers such as Adele, Mica Paris, Lady Gaga, and Lana Del Rey (BBC) citing Fitzgerald as a major influenceRead MoreElla Scatted Her Way to the Top of teh World1210 Words  | 5 Pages Ella Scatted Her Way to the Top of the World The early 1900s was a violent and horrible time to look back at. Americans have came a long way since then. America couldnt have gone through a more rough time. From racism and discrimination to the Great Depression. At the time African Americans were looked down upon by some people of different races. Hate crimes were common as well as discrimination in restaurants and other public places. A common quote from the time was â€Å"Separate but equal†Read MoreEssay about The Ultimate Collection by George Gershwin635 Words  | 3 PagesCollection by George Gershwin George Gershwins The ultimate collection, is a compilation of Gershwins greatest hits. The compilation is made out of two CDs; the first cd is Gershwins pieces sung by different jazz singers such as Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Bing Crosby and more#8230; The second cd, is Gerswhins famous pieces taken from musical shows such as Porgy and Bess, Rhapsody in Blue, Cuban overture, Funny face and more. FirstRead MoreBiography of Janis Siegel620 Words  | 3 PagesHollywood Bowl Tribute for Ella Fitzgerald†to which she was very eager to participant in. In March of 2008, she was asked again to pay a tribute to one of her idols in an event called, â€Å"LA Phil Presents A Tribute to Ella†in Los Angeles at the Disney Hall. In 2008, she produced and sang a tribute to Johnny Mercer which featured one of her sideline girl trio’s called JaLaLa. Then in 2010, she became a member of another group at the Kennedy Center that celebrated Ella Fitzgerald again. In today’s timeRead MoreLouis Armstrong And Duke Ellington804 Words  | 4 Pagestechnique to master because singers must be able to use their voices as instruments. So Louis Armstrong started it and after came Bing Crosby, Dizzy Gillespie and Ella Fitzgerald. Due to Louis Armstrong creation of scat we have the amazing Ella Fitzgerald who s is known as the First Lady of Song. The album that Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald created has joined The Grammys Hall Of Fame as of November 22, 2015. So, the influences that Louis Armstrong had are still here to this day. Next traitRead MoreNat King Cole s Vocal Style1434 Words  | 6 Pageswere segregated, vowed to not return to the south after being attacked during a performance, and sued hotels which denied him. Cole became the first Black man to host a television show, The Nat King Cole Show, where he hosted many guests such as Ella Fitzgerald and Tony Bennett. Ultimately the show was only on air for two years due to lack of sponsorship. Cole believed it was due to his race. Despite the fact Cole made a difference in how the public viewed African-Americans, there were times when he
Climate Changes Impact On Coral Reefs Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
This undertaking is given by our instructor and we were supposed to compose about the clime alterations. I decided to compose about the subject â€Å" coral reef †. I want to cognize more about coral reefs, non merely the general facts about how they look like or what sort of coloring material they have, but more about the interesting facts. We will write a custom essay sample on Climate Changes Impact On Coral Reefs Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Why are they of import today, how we as human ruin them and what we can to halt this procedure? As it says on International Coral Reef Initiative â€Å" For the first clip since 1998, mass coral bleaching is impacting coral reefs across a broad country of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean. Bleaching has been reported in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Maldives, and parts of E Africa. I know it exists menaces against coral reefs, and I want to larn more about them and what are the effects of e.g. coral bleaching. In the quotation mark above it says that coral bleaching is increasing. Why? What are coral reefs? Coral reefs, indicated by ruddy points, are found preponderantly in tropical Waterss 30 grades north and South of the equator Coral reefs are among the oldest ecosystems in the universe. They are located 30 grades north or South of the equator, chiefly in the Indonesia and Pacific Ocean. In the Bahamas at 32 grades at that place exists an exclusion. The coral reefs can populate at that place because of the warm H2O from the Gulf of Mexico. Today the coral reefs are the largest life construction on Earth and the Great Barrier Reef is the largest individual construction in the universe Coral are single animate beings and a individual coral is called polyp. Largely the polyp live in groups of 100s to 1000s indistinguishable animate beings, and organize a â€Å" settlement †. The procedure which formed the settlement is called budding and literally the original polyp transcripts itself and the settlement grows. There exist two ways for the coral to turn either add to their limestone or reproducing. When a coral attention deficit disorder to their limestone is means that they secrete more calcium carbonate around and under their cup. The coral will so turn both upwards and outwards. The 2nd method is by reproducing either asexually or sexually. In the nonsexual manner the coral produced indistinguishable ringers or in a sexual manner by directing out sperm or eggs. Corals are divided into three different types depending on where signifier. The first one and most common is fringing reefs. They are close to the seashore and they form a boundary line to project themselves. Barrier reefs are another type and are similar to fringing reef. These besides environment land multitudes, but form a boundary line at a distance. The 3rd group of reef are called atolls and are either egg-shaped or round. They are lying off the seashore. ( See beginning 4 + 6 ) Why are corals of import? Today coral reefs are of import and necessary in the universe. Great Barrier Reef, which is the universe largest reef, stretches along the nor’-east cost of Australia. The reef consist of over 3A 000 single reef and has a length of 30A 000 kilometers. It is really possible to see it from the outer infinite. A satellite exposure of the Great Barrier Reef The reef includes 400 coral species, 2A 000 fish species and six of seven species of sea polo-necks. There are many different types of coral which have assorted colorss. ( See beginning 3 ) Why are the corals deceasing? There are many menaces to coral reefs. Some menaces are natural happening such as marauders and hurricanes. These are made of course, but because of planetary warming the menaces harmonizing to the coral reefs addition. Others menaces are made by human among them overfishing and pollutions. Consequence of coral bleaching Marauders and hurricanes are natural happening and it is difficult to make something about these happening because they happen of course, still increasing of rainfall over a long period lessening coral growing. The coral reefs need sunlight, clear H2O, seawater with a specific salt and warm H2O ( 23 – 29 grades Celsius ) to populate. However, addition in the temperature degree and altered salt affects the coral reefs severely. Merely one grade rise in temperature influences the coral. The harm is called coral bleaching and involves that the coral expels the algae which gives the coral its coloring material. Alternatively of being colorful the coral takes on a blunt white visual aspect. The algae do n’t return if the emphasis is prolonged and as a consequence the coral dies. â€Å" The bleaching is really strong throughout Southeast Asia and the cardinal Indian Ocean. The studies are that it is the worst since 1997/1998. This is a truly immense event and we are travelin g to see a batch of corals deceasing †says Dr Mark Eakin Overfishing is a menace made by human. Today many people are dependent on fish as an income and nutrient, still overfishing is a job. It affects the coral by â€Å" taking cardinal species from the marine nutrient concatenation †. Furthermore the methods used to catch fish can besides be harmful to the coral. For case 15 states use nitrile fishing which involves dumping toxicant onto reefs to stupefy fish for easier assemblage. The toxicant does n’t merely impact the fish, but besides the reefs. Another sensational method is called blast fishing, utilizing explosives to stupefy fish, and the method is used by more than 40 states. As a consequence of the detonation the coral are ripped apart and destroyed. On the other manus, addition of the H2O degree increases the thriving for harmful algae and other rivals. More rivals and harmful algae mean less infinite for the coral to growing. Likewise out of use sunlight lessening the growing for a coral and the coral can deceas e. ( See beginning 5 ) Decision â€Å" Seventy per centum of coral reefs may be gone in less than 40 old ages if the present rate of devastation continues †. This destructing procedure has to be stopped, and it needs to be shortly. Coral reefs are place to over 1 million different species and protect the coastal metropoliss. In add-on to this, coral reefs create 1000000s of occupation and unafraid income for many people in more than 100 states in the universe. However coral reefs are a nutrient beginning for the people who live near the reefs, particularly the people on little islands. Another interesting fact is that without the being of coral reefs, parts of Florida would be under H2O. ( See beginning 7 ) Beginnings hypertext transfer protocol: // parent=coral ( 06.12.2010 ) reef.htmHYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // parent=coral ( 06.12.2010 ) reef.htm A ; url=http: // †amp ; HYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // parent=coral ( 06.12.2010 ) reef.htm A ; url=http: // †url=http: // ( 06.12.2010 ) hypertext transfer protocol: // parent=coral-reef.htmHYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // parent=coral-reef.htm A ; url=http: // †amp ; HYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // parent=coral-reef.htm A ; url=http: // †url=http: // ( 06.12.2010 ) hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 06.12.2010 ) hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 06.12.2010 ) hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 06.12.10 ) hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 06.12.2010 ) How to cite Climate Changes Impact On Coral Reefs Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Tobacco And Kids Essays - Tobacco, Smoking, Philip Morris
Tobacco and kids Tobacco Ads Target Youth Everyday 3,000 children start smoking, most them between the ages of 10 and 18. These kids account for 90 percent of all new smokers. In fact, 90 percent of all adult smokers said that they first lit up as teenagers (Roberts). These statistics clearly show that young people are the prime target in the tobacco wars. The cigarette manufacturers may deny it, but advertising and promotion play a vital part in making these facts a reality (Roberts). The kings of these media ploys are Marlboro and Camel. Marlboro uses a fictional western character called The Marlboro Man, while Camel uses Joe Camel, a high-rolling, swinging cartoon character. Joe Camel, the "smooth character" from R.J. Reynolds, who is shown as a dromedary with complete style has been attacked by many Tobacco-Free Kids organizations as a major influence on the children of America. Dr. Lonnie Bristow, AMA (American Medical Association) spokesman, remarks that "to kids, cute cartoon characters mean that the product is harmless, but cigarettes are not harmless. They have to know that their ads are influencing the youth under 18 to begin smoking"(Breo). Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia report that almost as many 6-year olds recognize Joe Camel as know Mickey Mouse (Breo). That is very shocking information for any parent to hear. The industry denies that these symbols target people under 21 and claim that their advertising goal is simply to promote brand switching and loyalty. Many people disagree with this statement such as Illinois Rep. Richard Durbin who states " If we can reduce the number of young smokers, the tobacco companies will be in trouble and they know it "(Roberts). So what do the tobacco companies do to keep their industry alive and well? Seemingly, they go toward a market that is not fully aware of the harm that cigarettes are capable of. U.S. News recently featured a discussion of the smoking issue with 20 teenagers from suburban Baltimore. The group consisted of ten boys and ten girls between the ages of 15 and 17. When asked why they started smoking, they gave two contradictory reasons: They wanted to be a part of a peer group. They also wanted to reach out and rebel at the same time. " When you party, 75 to 90 percent of the kids are smoking. It makes you feel like you belong," says Devon Harris, a senior at Woodlawn High. Teens also think of smoking as a sign of independence. The more authority figures tell them not to smoke, the more likely they are to pick up the habit (Roberts). The surprising thing is that these kids know that they are being influenced by cigarette advertising. If these kids know that this advertising is manipulating them, why do they still keep smoking? The ads are everywhere, especially in teen-oriented magazines, such as Rolling Stone and Spin. The ads also fuel some of the reasons the children gave for starting. They represent rebellion, independence, acceptance and happiness. These are all the things a young person, between childhood and adolescence, needs and desires. This type of advertising, on top of peer pressure, is the mystery behind the rise in adolescent smoking. How do we stop the future of America from smoking? Here are three things that the experts recommend. Try to convince your children that smoking is not cool. Talk to your kids at a young age about the dangers of smoking. Identify family members who smoke and ask them to stop (Thomas). Children are the most valuable commodity we are given in life. Let's try to educate them while they're young to be independent thinkers and to not be swayed by the tobacco companies who are trying to take advantage of their mind and body. --- Works Cited "Bill Clinton vs. Joe Camel." U.S. News & World Report. 2 Sep. 1996: 12. Infotrac. Online. 27 Oct. 1996. "Selling Tobacco to Kids." America. 17 Feb. 1996: 3. Infotrac. Online. 27 Oct. 1996. Roberts, Steven. " Teens on tobacco; kids smoke for reasons all their own." U.S. News & World Report. 18 Apr. 1996: 38. Infotrac. Online. 27 Oct. 1996. Thomas, Roger E. "10 steps to keep the children in your practice nonsmokers." American Family Physician. Aug.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Intelligence essays
Intelligence essays The increasingly difficult life for low IQ people is not caused by high IQ people, but by other factors. Segregation and tension occur across IQ lines by the nature of humanity and not by the implications of high IQ people. Let's face it, life is tough for everyone regardless of his or her placement on the intelligence scale. You're too smart, too stupid, too beautiful, too ugly, too hard, too soft, too nice too mean; we've all heard it. Almost everyone can indicate some inherent trait that has made his or her life difficult. Individuals with a low IQ may point out that their low level of g has been the cause of problems in life. Intelligence researchers have found strong evidence that suggests a higher success rate for individuals of higher IQ. "A high IQ is an advantage in life because virtually all activities require some reasoning and decision-making. Conversely, a low IQ is often a disadvantage...there are many exceptions, but the odds for success in our society greatly favor individuals with higher IQs." (Gottfredson, page 14). Murray says, "It is better to be born smart and poor, than rich and stupid." With the constantly growing number of g-loaded tasks playing a more significant role in our daily routines, life may be increasingly difficult for low IQ people. "An individual's IQ, they found, is a better predictor of his prospects in life than his parents' wealth or education or all the other factors that taken together are called socioeconomic status." (Seebach - interpreting Murray's findings). Now that we've spotted a potential problem, we're going to want someone to blame for the increasingly difficult life of a low IQ person. Placing this fault on the high IQ people may feel like a good idea initially (revenge for the "brain" that always ruined the teacher's test curve in high school algebra class by scoring 100% on an exam that Pythagorean himself couldn't pass). However, it is simply not feasible to clai...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Science Projects for Every Subject
Science Projects for Every Subject How many times have you seen a science demonstration or watched a cool video and wished you could do something similar? While having a science lab certainly expands the type of projects you can do, there are many entertaining and fascinating projects you can do using everyday materials found in your own home or classroom. The projects listed here are grouped according to subject, so no matter what youre interested in, youll find an exciting activity. Youll find projects for every age and skill level, generally intended for the home or a basic school lab. To understand the basics of chemical reactions, start with the classic baking soda volcano or get a little more advanced and make your own hydrogen gas. Next, learn the basics of crystallography with our collection of crystal-related experiments. For younger students, our bubble-related experiments are simple, safe, and lots of fun. But if youre looking to turn up the heat, explore our collection of fire and smoke experiments. Because everyone knows science is more fun when you can eat it, try some of our chemistry experiments involving food. And finally, our weather-related experiments are perfect for amateur meteorologists any time of the year. Turn a Science Project Into a Science Experiment While science projects may be done simply because they are fun and raise interest in a subject, you can use them as the basis for experiments. An experiment is a part of the scientific method. The scientific method, in turn, is a step-by-step process used to ask and answer questions about the natural world. To apply the scientific method, follow these steps: Make observations: Whether youre aware of it or not, you always know something about a subject before you perform a project or experiment with it. Sometimes observations take the form of background research. Sometimes they are qualities of a subject you notice. Its a good idea to keep a notebook to record your experiences before a project. Make notes of anything of interest to you.Propose a hypothesis: Think of a hypothesis in the form of cause and effect. If you take an action, what do you think the effect will be? For the projects in this list, think what might happen if you change the amounts of ingredients or substitute one material for another.Design and perform an experiment: An experiment is a way to test a hypothesis. Example: Do all brands of paper towels pick up the same amount of water? An experiment might be to measure the amount of liquid picked up by different paper towels and see if its the same.Accept or reject the hypothesis: If your hypothesis was that all brands of paper towels are equal, yet your data indicates they picked up different volumes of water, you would reject the hypothesis. Rejecting a hypothesis doesnt mean the science was bad. On the contrary, you can tell more from a rejected hypothesis than an accepted one. Propose a new hypothesis: If you rejected your hypothesis, you can form a new one to test. In other cases, your initial experiment might raise other questions to explore. A Note About Lab Safety Whether you conduct projects in your kitchen or a formal laboratory, keep safety first and foremost in your mind. Always read the instructions and warning labels on chemicals, even common kitchen and cleaning products. In particular, note whether there are restrictions about which chemicals can be stored together and what hazards are associated with the ingredients. Note whether or not a product is toxic or poses a hazard if it is inhaled, ingested, or touches skin.Prepare for an accident before one happens. Know the location of the fire extinguisher and how to use it. Know what to do if you break glassware, accidentally injure yourself, or spill a chemical.Dress appropriately for science. Some projects in this list require no special protective gear. Others are best performed with safety googles, gloves, a lab coat (or old shirt), long pants, and covered shoes.Dont eat or drink around your projects. Many science projects involve materials you dont want to ingest. Also, if youre snacking, youre distracted. Keep your focus on your project.Dont play mad scientist. Young children may think chemistr y is about mixing together chemicals and seeing what happens or that biology involves testing the reactions of animals to different situations. This is not science. Good science is like good cooking. Start by following a protocol to the letter. Once you understand the basic principles, you can expand your experiment in new directions following the principles of the scientific method. A Final Word About Science Projects From each project, youll find links to explore many other science activities. Use these projects as a starting point to ignite interest in science and learn more about a subject. But, dont feel like you need written instructions to continue your exploration of science! You can apply the scientific method to ask and answer any question or explore solutions to any problem. When faced with a question, ask yourself if you can predict an answer and test whether or not it is valid. When you have a problem, use science to logically explore the cause and effect of any action you might take. Before you know it, youll be a scientist.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Critical Appraisal Of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Articles Essay
Critical Appraisal Of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Articles - Essay Example The article titled â€Å"Analyzing Qualitative interview data. Addressing issues of reliability and validity†presented by J.V. Appleton deals with the aspects that must be taken into consideration while conducting a qualitative research study to ensure the reliability and validity of the data (Appleton, 1995). In contrast, Shuster and Shannon (1994) in their article titled â€Å"Differential Prehospital Benefit from Paramedic Care†present the aspects affecting the efficacy of quantitative research methods. Both article authors have based their findings on the results of actual studies they have personally carried out in order to assess the relative efficacy of either method. The two articles present a valuable insight into the process of conducting research and the means that may be employed to ensure that data obtained are as valid and reliable as possible. Both these studies were conducted using health professionals as the source of the data. J.V. Appleton (1995) is a healthcare visitor/worker and the aim and objective of her research effort were to identify a set of criteria to identify and determine which families could be considered â€Å"vulnerable†from the point of view of child protection. The method chosen for her research study was a qualitative approach based on a two-fold process – the administration of questionnaires as well as follow up interviews. The reason for the choice of a qualitative approach lay in the fact that this was an exploratory study designed to elicit the perspective of healthcare workers. Therefore the quality of the data was dependent upon the richness and quality of the responses that needed to be obtained rather than upon statistical numbers and figures that could be used as the basis for the study. Qualitative research has been found to be useful in the study of exploratory phenomena (Morse, 1991). Appleton’s study was based upon questionnaires administered to 1 2 healthcare workers followed up by face to face interviews, with a tape recorder being used in all cases.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
FINANCIAL REPORTING Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
FINANCIAL REPORTING - Assignment Example The paper presents the financial evaluation of the company and for this particular purpose, the most effective tool of ratio analysis has been utilized. The financial ratios are usually divided into various sub categories such as profitability, gearing and liquidity, each put emphasis on a different area of the financial outlook of the organization. These analyses form an integral part of the financial statement analysis, especially from the investor’s point of view, which are always looking for avenues to invest in countries having strengthened and stabilized financial ratios and representing an upward trend. In addition to the financial evaluation, for the purpose of risk assessment, several risks has been identified and assessed such as firm related risks, currency risks, capital structure risks and market risks. The Kerry Group PLC actively follows the corporate governance directives issued by the government for the corporation registered in the Ireland. Being a premium co mpany listed on the stock exchange, the company is required to follow the directives of the corporate governance requirements. ... Market and Industry Risk and competitor analysis The company operates in a highly competitive market where its competitors are continuously devising methods through which their profitability and market share can be increased. The company is exposed to a risk where its competitors can introduce a major change in their production process through introducing a state of the art technology. This can not only enhance the efficiency of their production, but it can significantly provide them with the cost leadership as well. In order to analyze market competitive forces, Porter gave a five forces model which analyzes the competitive forces acting in the market which a corporation has to manage in order for it to obtain competitive advantage. 3.2 Porter Five Forces Model Analysis Porter’s five forces model is an effective tool in exploring the competitive forces of the environment in which the organization operates. It allows the business to critically analyze its current business stra tegy and formulate one which can allow it to achieve a competitive position in the market. With the advancement in Information Technology, it has been prominently observed that the businesses are now focusing more and more on implementing information system in order to make the best use of their resources. In the mentioned case, KERRY GROUP PLC has several functional units carrying out activities related to the manufacturing and delivering of food merchandise. By integrating these units using information system, KERRY GROUP PLC can gain competitive advantage in the market which can by analyzed in the light of Porter’s five forces model. The first competitive force according to the model is the entry of new competitors
Friday, January 24, 2020
Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy Essay -- My Philosophy o
Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy It is often said that the first impression you make on someone is the most important. It can never happen again and usually is not forgotten. I believe this is true for education also. Kindergarten or preschool is a child's first impression of school. Whether that impression is a good or bad one it will affect the child through the rest of their schooling. I was fortunate to have a great first impression of school which helped me to decide to become a teacher. There are many reasons why I have chosen Elementary Education as my major. The biggest reason is not only because I have always had a love for children but also for learning. Ever since I was a little girl, I would sit in my bedroom and play school. I had my own chalk board and I would teach to an imaginary class. I was continuously trying to learn new things and am still doing that to this day. The vision that I have for my classroom is like most of the classes I was in when I was in elementary school. They were very colorful, full of books and art projects, and made you feel like you were at home. I will arrange the seats in clusters, in which two students will set beside each other and then they will face two other students. I believe that this is a less intimidating arrangement and allows the students to gain social skills The bulletin boards will have every students art work or projects hanging up. The room will be decorated according to what time of year it is. My supplemental materials will include extra books for the children to read, craft supplies, and anything else that I can find that will make learning more enjoyable for the students. The projects that I will do will explore different cogni... ... we have, education has to be reformed. During reform initiatives as a teacher you need to decide if you want to take an active role. I feel that education is a very crucial part of every child. Every child deserves the right to have an equal education no matter what their race, sex, or socioeconomic situation. Education is very important in my life. I plan to continue to challenge myself and my education even after college. I have been very fortunate in my life. I was lucky to have some wonderful teachers who influenced and encouraged me to be whatever I wanted to be. I hope that I can be as important to mystudents as those teachers were to me. I believe that it is important to know my students and to know their learning abilities. I want all of my students to know that you learn something from every experience and that failure isn't failure if a lesson is learned.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Earth the Ailing Planet Essay
For more than a hundred years, human beings have been excavating mountains and building roads for faster transportation. When the forests and mountains are destroyed, natural waterways are also disrupted. In today’s modern world, there is mass production of goods for daily consumption. The sprawling cities, high-rise buildings, cars, and electric appliances of modern society demand a tremendous amount of natural resources. Besides the depletion of resources, much pollution and waste are created in the process of manufacturing. The universe is a composite of the four elements of earth, water, fire, and air. When the earth element i. e. soil or land falls out of balance, earthquakes result; when the air element i. e. air current falls out of balance, hurricanes and typhoons arise; when the water element i. e rivers and oceans falls out of balance, downpours and floods occur. In recent years, there have been many natural disasters, showing us the imbalance of the four elements. Natural disasters are occurring all around the world. This is very worrying. When closely examined, all the various disasters can be linked to our destruction of the Earth. To change the world, we must begin by transforming hearts and minds. Given the environmental problems facing our world today, we must not only change attitudes but also lifestyles. We should have a grateful heart toward our planet. As each of us is consuming resources and contributing to pollution, we must always think about how to conserve resources. If we lead a simpler life, we will help reduce the amount of garbage and protect our environment, thus improving the quality of life on Earth. It is a simple concept, but if we all put it into practice, the impact can be profound and far-reaching. Living on this planet, our fate is intertwined with the health of our planet. Let us always remember that we coexist with the Earth.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Child Marriage Facts and Causes
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (among other charters and conventions) all directly or indirectly forbid the degrading and mistreatment of girls inherent in child marriage. Nevertheless, child marriage is common in many parts of the world, claiming millions of victims annually--and hundreds of thousands of injuries or deaths resulting from abuse or complications from pregnancy and childbirth. Facts About Child Marriage According to the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), 100 million girls will be married before the age of 18 in the coming decade. Most will be in sub-Saharan Africa and the Asian Subcontinent (Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh). In Niger, for example, 77% of women in their early 20s were married as children. In Bangladesh, 65% were. Child marriage also occurs in parts of the Middle East, including Yemen and the rural Maghreb. In the United States, child marriage is still permissible in some states, with parental or judicial consent.Globally, according to UNICEF, 36% of women aged 20 to 24 were married or in a union, forced or consensual, before theyd reached 18.An estimated 14 million girls between the ages of 15 and 19 give birth each year. They are twice as likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth than women in their 20s.Girls who marry between the ages of 10 and 14 are five times as likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth as women in their early 20s. Causes of Child Marriage Child marriage has many causes: cultural, social, economic and religious. In many cases, a mixture of these causes results in the imprisonment of children in marriages without their consent. Poverty: Poor families sell their children into marriage either to settle debts or to make some money and escape the cycle of poverty. Child marriage fosters poverty, however, as it ensures that girls who marry young will not be properly educated or take part in the workforce.Protecting the girls sexuality: In certain cultures, marrying a girl young presumes that the girls sexuality, therefore the girls familys honor, will be protected by ensuring that the girl marries as a virgin. The imposition of family honor on a girls individuality, in essence, robbing the girl of her honor and dignity, undermines the credibility of family honor and instead underscores the presumed protections actual aim: to control the girl.Gender discrimination: Child marriage is a product of cultures that devalue women and girls and discriminate against them. The discrimination, according to a UNICEF report on Child Marriage and the Law, often manifests itself in the form of domestic violence, marital rape, a nd deprivation of food, lack of access to information, education, healthcare, and general impediments to mobility.Inadequate laws: Many countries such as Pakistan have laws against child marriage. The laws are not enforced. In Afghanistan, a new law was written into the countrys code enabling Shiite, or Hazara, communities to impose their own form of family law--including permitting child marriage.​Trafficking: Poor families are tempted to sell their girls not just into marriage, but into prostitution, as the transaction enables large sums of money to change hands. Individual Rights Denied by Child Marriage The Convention on the Rights of the Child is designed to guarantee certain individual rights--which are abused by early marriage. Rights undermined or lost by children forced to marry early are: The right to an education.The right to be protected from physical and mental violence, injury or abuse, including sexual abuse, rape, and sexual exploitation.The right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health.The right to rest and leisure, and to participate freely in cultural life.The right to not be separated from parents against the childs will.The right to protection against all forms of exploitation affecting any aspect of the child’s welfare.The right to eventual employment. Case Study: A Child Bride Speaks The 2006 Nepal Report on Child Marriage includes the following testimony from a child bride: I was married to a nine-year-old boy when I was three. At that point of time, I was unaware of marriages. I dont even remember my marriage event. I just remember that as I was too young and was unable to walk and they had to carry me and bring me over to their place. Getting married at an early age, I was destined to suffer a lot of hardships. I had to carry water in a small clay-pot in the mornings. I had to sweep and swap the floor every day. Those were the days when I wanted to eat good food and wear pretty clothes. I used to feel very hungry, but I had to be satisfied with the amount of food that I was provided. I never got to eat enough. I sometimes secretly ate corns, soybeans, etc that used to grow in the field. And if I was caught eating, my in-laws and husband would beat me up accusing me of stealing from the field and eating. Sometimes the villagers used to give me food and if my husband and in-laws found out, they used to beat me up accusing me of stealing food from the house. They used to give me one black blouse and a cotton sari torn into two pieces. I had to wear these for two years. Never did I get other accessories like petticoats, belts etc. When my saris got torn, I used to patch them up and continue wearing them. My husband married three times after me. At present, he lives with his youngest wife. Since I married at an early age, early child-delivery was inevitable. As a result, I now have severe back problems. I used to weep a lot and consequently, I faced problems with my eyes and had to undergo an eye operation. I often think that if I had the power to think like I do now, I would never go to that house. I also wish I had not given birth to any children. Retrospective sufferings make me wish not to see my husband again. Nevertheless, I do not want him to die because I dont want to lose my marital status.
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